Posted on
May 31, 2018
Where’s the real estate market going?!
Do you have a compass?
COVID-19 has turned the US economy inside out. We are now staring an economic downturn in the eye. A downturn which may not have been seen since the 1930s. 25% unemployment. Bankruptcies. Foreclosures. Food shortages. Communities ravaged. One can only pray that this is not the case. Living and working in Las Vegas, Nevada from 2007 -2010, prepared Real Simple Housing for this event. In fact, Real Simple Housing was built to succeed in a down economy. Anyone can be a hero in an up economy, but being a hero in a down economy is more important. Real Simple Housing is ready to jump in and be that necessary resource for our communities. If you have any questions about your specific situation, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
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